Thief Scolds Mom For Leaving Kid In Car
Police: Thief Returned Car, Yelled At Mother
POSTED: Thursday, November 18, 2010
UPDATED: 6:47 am CST November 18, 2010
GALVESTON, Texas -- A mother was criticized for leaving her son in her car by a man who stole her car, police said.
Galveston police said a 22-year-old woman and her boyfriend parked along Seawall Boulevard near 9th Street early Tuesday morning to go fishing.
They took their fishing gear down to the beach and then decided it was too cold for the toddler, investigators said.
The mother took the child back to the car, started the engine and heater and then went back to the beach to help her boyfriend get the fishing gear, police said.
Investigators said a homeless man hopped in the car and took off, with the child inside.
A few minutes later, the car thief took the car back and yelled at the couple for leaving the child in the car, police said.
Detectives said the thief ran away on foot.
The district attorney decided not to file charges against the woman and her boyfriend for leaving the child in the car.
The thief is right...that was irresponsible of the parents to leave that kid in the car...with the motor running. :eyes: