WASHINGTON — Congressional Democrats said on Thursday they would vote to extend Bush-era tax cuts for the lower and middle classes only, setting up a clash with Republicans only two weeks after midterm elections.
Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said he believes he has President Barack Obama's support in pursuing tax cuts for everyone except the wealthy, after some concern that Obama had been ready to deal with Republicans over cuts for the rich.
"The main thing we've learned is that we're united in recognizing that we have to protect the middle class," Reid told reporters.
Democrats will need to win the support of at least one Republican to reach the 60 vote threshold needed to advance legislation in the 100-seat Senate. That appears unlikely at this point, Democrats have said.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40262323/ns/politics-capitol_hill/more from TPM:
http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/11/harry-reid-tries-to-box-gop-in-on-tax-cuts-vote.phpSenate Majority Leader Harry Reid says he's willing to do "whatever it takes" to extend the Bush tax cuts for the middle class, up to and including allowing a vote on extending all the cuts, not just those on incomes below $250,000.
Speaking to reporters on Capitol Hill this afternoon after a Democratic caucus meeting that focused on the Bush tax cuts -- which will expire in January unless something is done in the lame duck session -- Reid said that he's willing to allow a vote on Republican Leader Mitch McConnell's plan to extend all the cuts in exchange for many votes on dealing with the upper-income cuts while letting the middle class cuts continue.
Such a bargain would put Republicans in the politically tricky position of having to filibuster middle class tax cuts, or abandon their goal of permanent tax cuts for wealthy Americans.
"We want an opportunity and -- and we mean plural -- to vote once, twice, whatever it takes to show the American people that we support the middle class," Reid said. He said there could be "multiple variations" on how to proceed on the cuts for wealthier Americans.
read more:
http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/11/harry-reid-tries-to-box-gop-in-on-tax-cuts-vote.phpfrom Plum Line (updated 6:15):
http://voices.washingtonpost.com/plum-line/2010/11/happy_hour_roundup_132.html* This is getting good. Sources tell Glenn Thrush that Nancy Pelosi is telling Obama that Dems must hold the line and only extend the middle class tax cuts:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told President Barack Obama that House Democrats remain firmly committed to allowing Bush-era tax cuts expire for earners making more than $250,000 -- a move that could complicate the administration's efforts to reach a compromise with Republicans.
* And even better, I'm told that Pelosi just had this exchange with a reporter in the Capitol:
REPORTER: "Are you going to have a vote on middle class tax cuts in early December?"
PELOSI: "That is the plan."
We still don't know what the Senate will do, but this is another good sign -- more proof that Pelosi's role will be to continue urging the White House and other Dem leaders to hold the line on core liberal priorities and on issues important to the Dem base. And it comes after Steny Hoyer told Dems today (
http://voices.washingtonpost.com/plum-line/2010/11/dems_will_vote_on_just_middle.html) that they will get a vote just on extending the middle class ones.
read more:
Reid Wants Senate Votes on Competing Tax Proposals