(And more b.s. from Congressman John Larson. BBI)'Hardball with Chris Matthews' for Wednesday, Nov. 17th, 2010
Guest Host: Michael Smerconish
Congressman John Larson (Conn.) is the House Democratic Caucus chairman
LARSON: And I think you‘re going to see a more determined House come around in terms of our relationship with the Senate and our ability to work with the executive branch. And she certainly does represent that.
But more importantly, we know how to work together with people.
We‘re willing to reach across the aisle to the Republicans. They‘ve got a difficult task in front of us. We‘ve got to put aside differences of Democrat and Republican and work to put America back to work. That‘s what our charge is. We will not turn back the clock. We will stick with our principles.
We will not allow the privatization of Social Security and the vouchering of Medicare, and we will fight for American jobs. That‘s as we see our goals. (Those are pretty modest goals since legislation isn't being seriously proposed to privatize Social Security and going to vouchers for Medicare. I'm sure Congressman Larson will also fight like hell against legislation exempting all millionaires and billionaires from paying any income taxes!) We won‘t turn back the clock again on Wall Street reforms, either.
(Oh, you mean the leadership of Democrats in Congress won't vote to repeal the weak Wall Street "reform" bill. That's reassuring.) That‘s what we stand for. That‘s why I‘m proud to be a Democrat.
SMERCONISH: You make reference to Congressman Boren. And of course, I think of Congressman Boren as Blue Dog Democrat. Does this spell the death knell, politically speaking, of Blue Dog Democrats, the result of this vote today? Is there a place for them in your party?
LARSON: Not at all.
There‘s a big tent in our party and a huge spot for the Blue Dogs. They were articulate. They did a great job both yesterday in our five-hour-long caucus and today in our organizational meeting. And the important thing in our caucus is that we can sit down and reason together, even where we disagree. And we‘re not always going to have agreement. That‘s why we have such a huge tent. But what we know is that we can work together towards a common goal, and a common goal that we share is jobs.
(You bet. Their "jobs" in Congress.)SMERCONISH: Thank you very much, Congressman John Larson. We‘re going to talk to Blue Dog Democrat Dan Boren in a moment. But first, take a listen to Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur last week right here on HARDBALL.
REP. MARCY KAPTUR (D), OHIO: I was just going to say, if I might just mention, I look forward to alliances with some of the Tea Party Republicans that have just been elected because when NAFTA passed in 1993, we only had a 12-vote margin that would have made the difference. And look at the terrible hemorrhage of jobs that occurred because of that. I‘ll tell you,
I think that there‘s a real Democratic/Tea Party Republican alliance to be born in this new Congress. (She's kidding .... right? And how did that alliance with Tea Party Republicans work out today to extend unemployment compensation?) And if it doesn‘t happen, the people who don‘t support jobs in this country won‘t be reelected two years from now.
Full transcript at: