Video (Must See): (Section concerning):
FOREMAN:Three. (They lower their hands.) The vote is nine to three in favor of acquittal.
NO.10: I don't understand you people. How can you believe this kid is innocent? Look, you know how those people lie. l don't have to tell you. They don't know what the truth is. And lemme tell you, they—
(NO.5 gets up from table, turns his back to it, and goes to window.)
—don't need any real big reason to kill someone either. You know, they get drunk, and bang, someone's lying in the gutter. Nobody's blaming them. That's how they are. You know what I mean? Violent!
<NO.9 gets up and does the same. He is followed by NO.11>
NO.10: Human life don't mean as much to them as it does to us. Hey, where are you going? Look, these people are drinking and fighting all the time, and if somebody gets killed, so somebody gets killed. They don't care. Oh, sure, there are some good things about them, too. Look, I'm the first to say that.
<NO. 8 gets up, and then NO. 2 and NO. 6 follow him to the window.>
NO.10: I've known a few who were pretty decent, but that's the exception. Most of them; it's like they have no feelings. They can do anything. What's going on here?
<The foreman gets up and goes to the windows, followed by NO. 7 and NO. 12>
NO.10:.1'm speaking my piece, and you listen to me! They're no good. There's not a one of ‘em who's any good. We better watch out. Take it from me. This kid on trial....
<NO. 3 sits at table toying with the knife, and NO. 4 gets up and starts for the window. All have their backs to NO.10.>
NO.10: Well, don't you know about them? Listen to me! What are you doing? I'm trying to tell you
<NO. 4 stands over him as he trails off. There is a dead silence. Then NO. 4 speaks softly.>
NO. 4: I've had enough. If you open your mouth again, I'm going to split your skull.
<NO. 4 stands mere and looks at him. No one moves or speaks. NO. 10 looks at him, then looks down at the table.>
NO. 10: (softly). I'm only trying to tell you....
<There is a long pause as NO. 4 stares down at NO. 10:>
NO. 4: (to all). All right. Sit down everybody.
<They all move back to their seats. When they are all seated, NO. 4 then sits down.>