Edited on Fri Nov-19-10 03:34 AM by AdHocSolver
Education in the U.S. is designed to promote the authoritarian personality, and has been for years. Whether public school or private school, most educational institutions are set up like factories, in which students are marched lockstep through assembly lines, and in which discipline is prized over knowledge or expertise.
The job environment is the same. Workers are drudges because most work is designed to be mindless, and the least capable are routinely picked for management positions where they make the decisions as to how the organization will screw up.
People see the failure, stupidity, and corruption everyday. However, they are trained from pre-kindergarten onward to not acknowledge it and not discuss it with others.
People anesthetize themselves to their reality in many ways. Booze, drugs, neuroses, television watching for hours, nonstop cell phone talking are ways of escaping reality which prevents thinking about and solving problems.
People escape reality in ways that essentially promote passivity and isolation and serve to distract the individual. The culture discourages empathy and understanding, and above all discourages people from identifying with "others".
The concept is promoted that those who are down on their luck "deserve" it because they were somehow "bad" or "failures" so none of them will admit that they are being exploited and that they should ally themselves with other exploited people to fight their situation.
The Powers That Be allow the "tea party" advocates to work together because it allows the tea party types to identify with others like themselves in a way that furthers the right wing agenda, while at the same time provides an outlet for the tea partiers to vent their anger and frustration in "approved" ways.
In other words, the Powers That Be effectively use divide-and-conquer techniques to maintain the status quo.