When I was a kid my mother would always lament how us "young people" were so full of ourselves. I would argue pointing out the anti-war, ecology and human rights movements of my peers as an example that wasn't the case. But now 40 plus years in the rear view, she had a very valid point then that holds truer than ever.
The right wing has cultivated the big lie...how they are the party of "prosperity"...or most specific, the party of the selfish. They're more than happy to let those who got skunked out an economy they helped collapse and then add insult to injury in calling these people "lazy". They not only play into greed but also arrogance...a blatant lack of any compassion or understanding of the world around us. They're in a world of "certainties"...the only thing holding this country back are all those "deadbeats" who aren't as rich as they are. And they've managed to make others believe their lies to the extent of voting against their own interests. The ultimate act of being selfish...