Targeting: Apple Media Relations and Steve Jobs (Chief Executive Officer)
Started by: Michael Rogers
Last month, The Apple iTunes Store approved and made available an application for the iPhone that invites users to join anti-gay and anti-choice campaigns, Jeremy Hooper of the popular blog reported. As Jeremy explains, social conservatives like Watergate Criminal Chuck Colson created the Manhattan Declaration, a set of anti-choice and anti-LGBT beliefs, to promote restrictions on women's choice and LGBT equality.
Want to join the hate fest? There's an app for that!
Download the app and the Manhattan Declaration's so-called "survey" will invite you to answer questions like: Do you believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman? And, Do you support the right of choice regarding abortion? Once you answer the four questions a screen pops up and you learn that "survey" is actually not a "survey," but a "test." If you answer the questions the way pro-choice, pro-equality folks do, you'll be rewarded with this screen: "SURVEY COMPLETE! 0%, You answered 0 out of 4 questions correct.
Users of the application are also asked to sign onto a set right-wing talking points that would make the average MSNBC viewer's head spin. This part of the application helps users support the elimination of choice for women, and stop the march to equality for LGBT people. Not enough? They're also all about the elimination of any separation between church and state.