Friday 19 November 2010
by: Nadia Prupis, t r u t h o u t | Report
Education Secretary Arne Duncan today called for Congress to pass the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, a bill that would provide certain inadmissible immigrant students with the opportunity to obtain permanent residency if they complete two years in the military or two years at a four-year college.
"I'm very hopeful that Congress in a bipartisan way will start the debate on the DREAM Act and then ultimately pass it," Duncan said during a press conference call.
Students who qualify for DREAM Act residency must have arrived in the US as minors, been in the country for at least five years prior to the bill's enactment and be graduates of US high schools. They must also be of "good moral character," a legal term often used in immigration law that requires candidates for citizenship to have a clean record and be registered with the Selective Service System.
Approximately 55,000 students a year could qualify for achieving citizenship through the DREAM Act. Its passage, Duncan said, is particularly important because "we have to educate our way to a better economy ... the differences in income levels and taxes paid over a 40-year work career are staggering." ...