Edited on Fri Nov-19-10 07:44 PM by MrScorpio
From George Washington in the massacre of surrendered prisoners in the French and Indian War, through Jackson's Trail of Tears, through Polk's theft of a part of Mexico, through McKinley's slaughterhouses in Cuba and the Philippines, through more atrocities committed against Third World nations during the Cold War that can ever be counted and all the way through to Junior and Face Shooter walking around free today.
America always finds a way to redeem our own war crimes.
It preserves the myth that we ONLY do good in the world.
No matter whose side you're on, it's the preservative for our national psyche and our self made legacy and makes us go Rah-Rah and wave the flag. Never mind all the bones that it has covered up.
So, am I surprised or appalled that Poppy's gonna get a medal?
Not in the least.
Because, I know that this is still America... And it's par for the course here.
Enjoy your outrage anyway.