We all know the agony and frustration felt about the Tax cuts "for the rich". Here is a prime example of how Democrats manage to screw themselves.
Last night on Television for all the world to see, was a piece described as how Reid plans to work the Tax cut Bill.
According to the report, closer to the deadline Reid will have an up and down vote on passing Tax cuts for the 98 percent of Americans who earn under and up to $250,000 annually.
So far this is so great. I think Wow, Reid has gotten a real spine. This should be the end of the vote, IMO. They should not even disscuss Tax cuts for the rich.
Uhoh, The Reporter then goes into a great spiel on how the Democrats are only trying to embarass the Republicans. In other words the vote was only for show.
Of course Reid continues by saying he will then open the vote up all the all the tax cuts. He will have a vote on the bill as a whole which means the th tax cuts for the rich will be voted on along with the Middle Class.
This looks like such a charade and appeasing the Republicans.
If they are serious about representing the Middle Class for once just once could they lay themselves on the line for the Middle Class. Why did they put this story out in the first place. Now it looks like they just want to try to embarass the Republicans but give them the opportunity to get the tax cuts for the rich anyway. Lesson One: You cannot embarass Republicans if they are winning your hand.