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Petition drive starts in Iowa & Ne (a law similar to Arizona's for dealing with illegal immigration)

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-20-10 05:01 PM
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Petition drive starts in Iowa & Ne (a law similar to Arizona's for dealing with illegal immigration)

IF I see one of these guys they will not like what I have to shout at them. I'll start with where did YOUR white ancestors come from? A path to citizenship? Service in the armed forces or public service, and pass the same test the legal immigrants take.

Published Saturday November 20, 2010

Ray Wilson, right, of Council Bluffs stands outside the Council Bluffs Post Office as he holds up a sign to flag down passersby while members of the Minute Men Patriots collect petition signatures to encourage Iowa lawmakers to pass an immigration law similar to one adopted in Arizona.

COUNCIL BLUFFS — The Minuteman Patriots started a petition drive in Iowa this weekend to lobby the Iowa Legislature to enact a law similar to Arizona's for dealing with illegal immigration.

“We're trying to encourage the lawmakers to bring the Arizona law into Iowa to help fight illegal aliens from taking American jobs,” said Griswold resident Craig Halverson, vice president of the Iowa branch. “We're trying to get 200,000 signatures across Iowa by the time the Legislature convenes in January.”

Patriot members were outside the Council Bluffs Post Office, Sixth Street and Broadway, on Saturday seeking signatures. Halverson said members were out in other Iowa cities as well.

FULL story and photo at link.

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pampango Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-20-10 05:11 PM
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1. The Minutemen may have to share the Hawkeye Lunacy award with Rep. Steven King (R-IA).
U.S. Rep. Steven King (R-Iowa), upcoming chair of a House subcommittee on immigration, has already announced that he will make a priority of pushing for a vote to rescind birthright citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants.

“Many of these illegal aliens are giving birth to children in the United States so that they can have uninhibited access to taxpayer-funded benefits and to citizenship for as many family members as possible,” he insisted.

Well, that’s just nonsense. A child born in the U.S. has to be 21 years old before he can petition for citizenship for his parents. Even then, many hurdles remain.

King’s proposal — in the unlikely event it passed — would probably be ruled unconstitutional; it violates the 14th Amendment. But King and his allies are fueling the narrowmindedness and nativism that have frustrated comprehensive immigration reform since the Bush administration.
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customerserviceguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-20-10 09:43 PM
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2. This is going to spread all over
And it may be for the 2012 elections what equal marriage was for the 2004 elections, an issue that brings out the right wing in numbers sufficient enough to make a difference on the Presidential election.
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