Let me come right to the point: You have spent far too much time on this silly damn “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” nonsense.
Congress must not be permitted to pass any law that interferes with the president’s responsibility to effectively command the armed services.
So write and sign that Executive Order. If the Congress wants a constitutional fight, I say let ’em have it.
About those taxes. Until January, you still have a majority in both Houses, and don’t let them tell you that the “people have spoken” and “that you still don’t get it” and other such bunkum. Go ahead and propose a bill that keeps the middleclass cuts and let rates for top 1 percent rise back to Clinton-era levels. The plutocrats will scream to high heaven — it’ll cost jobs, they’ll scream, you never raise taxes during the recession, all that usual claptrap. FDR heard it all — hell, even Bill Clinton got the treatment. They will again claim that lower taxes always produce jobs and make the GDP take off. Pure poppycock, of course! If it wasn’t poppycock, we wouldn’t have watched the national debt double, first under Reagan and again under Bush II. They like to point out that Kennedy followed the Republican game plan, but Jack had inherited a tax rate from the Eisenhower era that saw these same rich people paying not 39 percent, but 91 percent! You might say that taxes have already been reduced, even if promises haven’t exactly been kept.
Starting with DADT and taxes, show them that you understand the difference and you’ll be a winner. And God knows, America could use a winner right about now.