This is the part of the issue that really stings. Although there is a record of DHS interest in "checkpoint explosives detection" going back to at least 2004, it hadn't gone much past test phase. Then the stimulus act came along. It provided $1 Billion for "for procurement and installation of checked baggage explosives detection system
and checkpoint explosives detection equipment."Here is the relevant section of the bill:
For an additional amount for ‘‘Aviation Security’’,
$1,000,000,000 for procurement and installation of checked baggage
explosives detection systems and checkpoint explosives detection
equipment: Provided, That the Assistant Secretary of Homeland
Security (Transportation Security Administration) shall prioritize
the award of these funds to accelerate the installations at locations
with completed design plans: Provided further, That no later than
45 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary
of Homeland Security shall submit to the Committees on Appropriations
of the Senate and the House of Representatives a plan for
the expenditure of these funds. was up to Janet Napolitano to spend that money. She spent $734 million in screening checked baggage and $266 million in checkpoint explosives detection technologies aka "Backscatter."
Secretary Napolitano Announces Recovery Act Purchase of 1,200 Explosives Trace Detection Units to Bolster Aviation Security
Release Date: April 15, 2010
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano today announced the purchase of more than 1,200 explosives trace detection units using $35.5 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding—improving explosives detection capabilities at airports nationwide while infusing Recovery Act dollars into local economies.
"These state-of-the art technologies will strengthen security and streamline screening operations while making air travel more convenient for passengers," said Secretary Napolitano. "Explosives trace detection technology, enhanced inline baggage screening systems and improved surveillance capabilities are important elements of our layered aviation security strategy to protect the flying public from terrorism."
The Recovery Act funded explosives trace detection units announced by Secretary Napolitano today will effectively and efficiently screen checked and carry-on baggage for explosives residue. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has expanded the random use of explosives trade detection technology—which can also be used to screen the hands of passengers or their clothing—as part of the Department's efforts to strengthen aviation security at U.S. airports and around the world since the attempted terrorist attack on Dec. 25, 2009.
More than 7,000 explosives trace detection units are currently in use by TSA at U.S. airports.
In addition, $30.4 million in ARRA funding announced today will be used to expand an inline baggage screening system at Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport (MSP). Inline baggage handling systems use state-of-the-art technology to screen checked baggage for explosives more quickly, while streamlining the ticketing and boarding process. The systems also provide on-screen resolution capabilities for TSA officers screening baggage, reducing the number of re-scans and physical bag searches.
$6.1 million in ARRA funds will be used to purchase 135 chemical analysis devices to identify potential explosives in medically necessary liquids brought through security checkpoints at airports across the country.
On March 5, Secretary Napolitano announced the initial deployment of ARRA-funded advanced imaging technology (AIT) units to 11 airports—the first of many to receive this new technology as the result of the Recovery Act. AIT units are designed to bolster security by safely screening passengers for metallic and non-metallic threats—including weapons, explosives and other objects concealed under layers of clothing.
Last month, Secretary Napolitano highlighted nearly $600 million in ARRA investments devoted to securing the U.S. aviation system and creating jobs in local communities across the country since President Obama signed the bill into law on Feb. 17, 2009. ARRA committed more than $3 billion for homeland security projects through DHS and the General Services Administration (GSA). Of the $1 billion allocated to TSA for aviation security projects, $734 million is dedicated to screening checked baggage and $266 million is allocated for checkpoint explosives detection technologies. that's pretty much it right there. If someone bothered to point out that it's the Democrats that did this on their own, they'd be correct. Congress passed it. Obama signed it. Napolitano chose it. The warnings were out there about these machines. They're easy to find if you">do a simple search on the DHS site.
The "pat-downs" aka frisking seems to be a choice of the DHS as well. Hopefully these machines and the frisking will be gone soon. We must keep up the relentless noise campaign. Flyers must complain. People that can avoid flying must do so. If the airlines starve, they WILL make it stop. God knows this is all a money game.