You can't help but notice the dirty, rotten, filthy conservatives trying to act like they're OUTRAGED at the TSA! But THEY have worked their evil fingers to the bone creating the sprawling police state complex we now suffer in.
Just like the Republicans created the DEBT and ARE now blaming the Democrats for what THEY DID, they are doing the same thing with the police state.
But thank Gawd that police state haters have kept detailed accounts and timelines of the whole evil mess.
Now that the police state is attacking the very same people who support it, (For other people of course) we hear a great human cry indignation. Well....
I think that cops should cavity search conservatives and their children and grandchildren everyday until they catch up to the suffering level that they put on everybody else for the last 30 years!
I'm against the TSA searches because I'm always against they police state. BUT for the hypocrites who created and support it to cry unfair.. PLEEZE give me a break!
Watching conservatives get searched is called KARMA!
A police state unquestionably exists when:
1. Criminal Federal powers:
Illegally arrest, imprison, and torture American citizens
Assassinate American citizens abroad merely suspected of terrorism
Spy on US citizens with drones
Constitute inverted totalitarianism
Spy on and intimidate citizens
Loot taxpayer money for fat-cats
Make domestic spying on US citizens legal
Occupy an American town
2. A capitalist cabal seizes political and economic power over the nation and steals all elections by selecting candidates for both parties
All these conditions now exist in the United States!
In a free society:
Police agencies respond only to evidence of planned and actual criminal activity.
Police officers keep the peace; they do not investigate citizens and activities unless there is some reason to investigate.
Police do not investigate citizens' attitudes toward the central government, only their action.
Citizen dissent is lawful and police agencies do not investigate citizens' attitudes toward the criminal justice apparatus.
Those conditions no longer exist in the United States!
Under the former 1989 Guidelines, the FBI first had to obtain evidence suggesting some kind of criminal activity before its agents could begin investigating. Under the FBI's new May 30, 2002 revised Guidelines, FBI agents are authorized to carry out "general topical research" and retain files on this research. Specifically, agents may conduct "online searches" and visit "online sites and forums as part of such research."
The new Guidelines 1 warn against searching "for information by individuals' names or other individual identifiers," but it's okay to search by names to locate "names of authors who write on the topic" that the agent is researching. Of course every citizen of the United States is a possible "author" of e-mail messages on a variety of subjects, so all U.S. citizens are potential "terrorism suspects" under these new guidelines.
The new Guidelines now encourage the FBI to snoop around looking for people who might be suspicious, creating files on anyone who catches their fancy. Agents can now investigate people, organizations, websites, chat rooms and forums for any reason or for no reason at all. They can enter your home without a warrant and are not required to inform you that they have invaded your home if you are not present.
All the records they create in their investigations will be placed in national databases available to all agencies now under the new "Homeland Security" umbrella. Never in U.S. history has there been such a monolithic surveillance mechanism with the terrible power to destroy American citizens' lives.
The 1989 and the new 2002 Guidelines expressly state that the FBI must not launch investigations "based solely on
activities protected by the First Amendment or on the lawful exercise of any other rights." Do you see your local FBI agent as having a clear enough understanding of constitutional rights to keep him from investigating people whom he identifies as having "terrorist proclivities?"
Scores of U.S. cities are now using surveillance television camera systems to spy on citizens--shades of 1984. With video cameras perched atop buildings and poles, watching whatever American are doing, do you suppose there might be some potential for abuse in such systems? Christian Parenti's, article, "DC's Virtual Panopticon," in the June 3, 2002 issue of The Nation describes how "police in Detroit and DC have used CCTV to stalk personal foes, political opponents and young women." Smile, you're on Kandid Kamera.