from the Iowa Independent:
Five out-of-state organizations spent $948,355 in Iowa over the course of roughly two months on the successful campaign to oust three state Supreme Court justices over a 2009 ruling that legalized same-sex marriage, according to disclosure documents filed with the state.
A group campaigning in support of the three judges, The Fair Courts for Us Committee, spent $366,000 over the same time period almost entirely on radio ads and pro-retention mailers.
Leading the way in anti-judge spending was the New Jersey-based National Organization for Marriage, which spent $635,627 in Iowa. The majority of the funds — more than $435,000 — went to two statewide TV ads aimed at convincing Iowans to vote “no” on retention. The ads were also paid for with a $100,000 contribution from Campaign for Working Families PAC, an organization founded by former presidential hopeful Gary Bauer.
The entire campaign was led by the Mississippi-based American Family Association, which wholly subsidized the local anti-retention effort known as Iowa for Freedom. The AFA spent nearly $140,000 in Iowa. The largest expense was $56,000 to the Texas-based consulting firm Murphy Turner & Associates LLC. The firm was founded by a former aide to the National Republican Senatorial Committee and U.S. Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas). .................(more)
The complete piece is at: