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If you think the TSA is about a Blackwater-esque security firm?

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
FourScore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-22-10 03:19 PM
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If you think the TSA is about a Blackwater-esque security firm?
How would private security change the porno-scan or grope problem?
by Chris in Paris on 11/22/2010 01:50:00 PM

Leave it to Republicans to move this discussion into a new way to enrich their campaign contributors. The problem is the violation of rights, not the government. There's nothing that suggests private contractors will do a better job of protecting privacy and if anything, they will probably be worse since they will answer to a different boss who cares more about shareholders than procedures. It's completely annoying that the Democrats are so afraid of this issue, but that's why they're considered weak in the first place. They are.

For Republican Rep. John Mica of Florida, the way to make travelers feel more comfortable would be to kick TSA employees out of their posts at the ends of the snaking security lines. This month, he wrote letters to nation's 100 busiest airports asking that they request private security guards instead.

"I think we could use half the personnel and streamline the system," Mica said Wednesday, calling the TSA a bloated bureaucracy.

Mica is the ranking Republican on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Once the new Congress convenes in January, the lawmaker is expected lead the committee.

Companies that could gain business if airports heed Mica's call have helped fill his campaign coffers. In the past 13 years, Mica has received almost $81,000 in campaign donations from political action committees and executives connected to some of the private contractors already at 16 U.S. airports.
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hughee99 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-22-10 03:30 PM
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1. It wouldn't do anything for it...
unless the contractors plan is to skip the porno-scan and gropefest and instead waterboard potential passengers to find out of they have contraband. I think any of these options would be equally ineffective at actually enhancing security.
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