idea of an Opt-Out day has been picking up steam, and many airline passengers will be refusing to submit to the TSA’s whole body imaging scanners on Wednesday, November 24. So we made a handy flier about the risks of TSA's porno screeners and patdowns which also explains your rights in the airport.
If you're flying soon, download our "Know Your Rights at TSA" flier and print out copies for you and other passengers. Click here to download.
If you will be flying during the holiday season, you can print out these fliers and hand them out to other passengers at the airport. If you're not flying, forward this email to friends and family who will fly and make sure they know the risks and their rights.
More than 25,000 people have called for an investigation of the questionable decisions made by TSA Chief John Pistole - thanks so much for being a part of our movement against TSA's corrupt "security" measures. With your help, we can make soon make it safe and secure to once again fly with dignity.
(Link for both above)