For me, Dad always made us work. He would let us be kids and have playtime, but we were expected to do our part. Stack firewood, help Mom clean up, mow lawns, what ever he could find. If my brother and I didn't do it, or did a half ass job, he wouldn't really get mad.....he would just take stuff away that we enjoyed. Music, TV, Telephone privileges, and the total worst, the car keys.
The less we did, the less we got.
However, if we did a good job, he let us know and he kept his end of the bargain. If we did a good job and went above and beyond what we were supposed to do, he would do something really nice for us. No matter how bad things got in the Reagan 80's he always rewarded us for doing good work, and working hard.
one time a friend of mine was selling a dirt bike, a 1982 Honda CR125, for a steal of a price and i begged and begged and begged him to buy me that bike. $250 was the price. He relented and we went and purchased it. We got home and unloaded it and told me to push it into the barn. To my sheer amazement he proceeded in hoisting the bike off the ground (with a block and tackle) and secured the damn thing to the rafters 6 feet in the air complete with lock and key. I swear to Dog i am not making this up. After that was completed he proceeded to tell me the terms of the 'contract'. I had three months to pay it off. If i rode it before it was paid for, the bike would be sold instantly. Failing grades, bike sold. Crap attitude around the parents, bike sold. He said i could work around here for $1 per hour to pay it off, or i could get a job someplace else and pay for it, he didn't care, just pay it off. A month later i had my first job :)
If we came home with bad grades it was worse...
One time i got 3 'F's on my report card in the 7th grade (my fault, not doing homework) and to make matters worse i lied about it. Not smart. VERY bad idea. My Dad looked at it and said "Ok, so if you feel the need to make grades like an ass, then you need to work like an ass" and he handed me a shovel and a wheelbarrow. I had to dig dirt from one location and fill in low spots out in the field. after the sun set, i then got a two hour lecture on why i should never lie about grades, why i shouldn't make bad grades, and just what the hell made you think you could get away with this anyway? The punishment was having my stereo taken away, grounded for a month, bicycle locked up, and lots of extra oh-so-f-ing-fun chores to do. Only TV i could watch was the evening news. Punishment continued until the grades were brought up.
You know what? that shit SUCKED!!! I got my grades to passing ASAP. School work became very easy overnight ;) Back then i thought my dad was the most gigantic asshole on the face of the planet. Now that i'm much older, i get it.
Maybe you need to set some real consequences with him. That's what worked for us.....