Franken wants antitrust probe of Comcast
By Gautham Nagesh - 11/22/10 04:10 PM ET
Comcast's announcement of a new management team for NBC Universal
may have been an illegal attempt to exert control over the company before the government has completed its antitrust review, according to Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.).
In a letter Monday to Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust Christine Varney, Franken asked for an investigation.
"Comcast has every right to promote its business and this merger," wrote Franken, a former performer for NBC's "Saturday Night Live."
"It does not have the right to effect that merger absent explicit federal approval, or indirectly control or influence NBC Universal until that approval is granted. I urge you to investigate this conduct."
Franken suggested Comcast's announcement last Wednesday may have been a violation of the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act, which bans merging companies from transferring control before the government's review is complete.
"The Department of Justice and Federal Communications Commission have yet to complete their review of the proposed Comcast and NBC Universal merger," Franken said. "And yet, by publicly announcing their intended managers of each component of NBC Universal, Comcast has effectively told employees at NBC Universal who their 'real bosses' are."more...