I will be honest, I was thinking... the crisis will come with the debt ceiling. I mean be so obvious it will be hard to deny. Alas we are there. We are in the midst of a yet to be fully recognized Constitutional Crisis. Yes, ONE Senator can freeze the government and there is nothing that can be done about it.
I was expecting, silly me, for the Republicans to do this AFTER January, but Jon Kyl is doing it RIGHT NOW with the START treaty.
First, proving it is not about country, but party. He don't care about the nation.
Second: Proving that he don't know squat about foreign affairs. This treaty is no joke and this could let a certain genie out of the bottle that will be extremely hard to put back. Yes, they will blame the Democrats... but that is not the point. The crisis is here.
Upcoming attractions might include the not raising of the debt ceiling, which could potentially bring down the Baking System and while some of you will cheer, the pain will be something most of you cannot fathom... and the only reason why I can intellectually is the Ciudades Perdidas.
Krugman hinted at it this morning... late Professor, some of us have been singing this song for a while. Glad you could join us.
But this will also bring the Empire down, FAST. Most Imperial falls are sudden to those not paying attention and come from overreach both military (check) and economic (check)...
Worst case scenarios are not something I want to contemplate at the moment, suffice it to say that we are quickly reaching the end game.
Yes, TSA maters (shows the dysfunction as well) but we may not have to worry about the Amendments and the Constitution, if we are reduced to shelter and food... and the polarization will lead to folks blaming each other, and the fighting might be something to behold.
Of course we may see easily the rise of a fascist movement... no, the tea party, while proto fascist, is not fascism yet... nor is TSA incidentally.
Folks, things are coming to a head... and Jon Kyl has brought the crisis. It is not in the future... it is now. And if it gets bad enough... well unemployment extension and social security may not matter in a year... Of course that is very much an absolute worst case. On the bright side the absolute worst case usually don't happen... but this is getting close to it.
Welcome to the crisis... it is here.