They can't just sit back and say, "Look! Everything's not perfect yet! We tried to help, but those mean old Democrats just stopped us!" Now they have no excuses when things fail to get better (and in States like Ohio, where our half-wit voters put Republicans back in control of EVERYTHING, when things get exponentially worse). I've been saying it a lot lately, but this will be the shortest "resurgence" in history, because the Party of no ideas is now going to have to actually take their backward-ass policies and somehow make chicken salad. They won't be able to do it, and the voters will turn on them just like they turned on Democrats this time around.
Not to mention the fact that the Republican Party has no adults in the room anymore. All they have is batshit crazy. And when people really get a feel for who whack-jobs like Huckabee and Romney REALLY are, they'll run screaming for the exits. That's why the Republicans nominated John McCain in 2008. As scary as it might sound, he was actually the MOST moderate candidate they had. And the people in the middle of the political spectrum ran away from HIM in droves. The White House is as safe as a baby in its mother arms for 2012. Obama will win a second term, he'll have to expend very little energy to do it, and he'll win HUGE. If the Republicans pander to their whack-job base and nominate a fellow lunatic like Sarah Failin, Obama will win with numbers that will make Walter Mondale snicker.
Out of curiosity, who did you work for in the Ohio Statehouse? I'm assuming it was when Rhodes was Governor? When I was in college, I did an internship for a State Senator named Rob Burch, who at the time was running for Governor. He got slaughtered because he was nothing more than a sacrificial lamb (I think the Ohio Democratic Party was holding back Lee Fisher, their main big gun at that time, that year because they were afraid nobody could beat Voinovich). His right-hand man, and the guy I really worked for, was Anthony Celebrezze (the son of the famed Ohio Supreme Court Justice). It was interesting and more than a little bit eye-opening as to how politicians really operate.