I felt pretty weird growing up until one day I engaged in word substitution, unique provided me a much more acceptable self image. There's rare as in precious and few and then there's...odd.
Who's we?
Week after week I've contemplated writing an essay I would entitle Monday's Child, the one who is fair of face. At it's roots it's about yellow journalism. But DU doesn't seem to take well to what I have to say. In a year and a half now, I've posted a handful of original pieces a couple of essays, a couple of poems, all of which have been pretty much shunned. So I shush when I see people who promote and require loyalty to the label, even when such actions appear to abandon the principle of what is democratic.
A recent discussion on the boards regarding Joe Stiglitz' article about the rule of law I think is applicable to the discussion. During the dark days of the Bushco regime we continue to struggle to recover from, I took to saying that the rule of law has been abandoned in favor of the apparent rulers of order. I wish I could say I think that has changed.
To say what we mean and mean what we say is a double edged challenge requiring commitment, character, candor and courage. These are virtues of an abstract value system that has no bearing on profit or bottom line application and as a result are considered by most as irrelevant.
By the by, I rec'd your post Mr. Tuck