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Do We Need To Re-Label Broadband As Telecommunications So FCC Has More Internet Authority?

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-23-10 07:05 AM
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Do We Need To Re-Label Broadband As Telecommunications So FCC Has More Internet Authority?

Is it important for a federal agency to have authority over high speed internet connectivity?

A new report from Free Press called “Restoring FCC Authority to Make Broadband Policy: A Way forward after Comcast v. FCC” suggests the FCC needs to relabel broadband as telecommunications so the FCC can have clear legal authority. Tim Wu, University Law School Professor and author of the book Master Switch, explained that the current way the FCC approaches broadband is chaotic. He said there is a historical precedent for reclassifying authority.

: It’s pretty clear to me that the argument that this is somehow going to dampen incentives or prove a problem for internet innovation given the fact that this has always been the law.

The report finds that the current classification of broadband makes it difficult for the commission to move forward with implementing the national broadband plan and impedes movement toward universal broadband access.
Is it important for a federal agency to have authority over high speed internet connectivity?

A new report from Free Press called “Restoring FCC Authority to Make Broadband Policy: A Way forward after Comcast v. FCC” suggests the FCC needs to relabel broadband as telecommunications so the FCC can have clear legal authority. Tim Wu, University Law School Professor and author of the book Master Switch, explained that the current way the FCC approaches broadband is chaotic. He said there is a historical precedent for reclassifying authority.

: It’s pretty clear to me that the argument that this is somehow going to dampen incentives or prove a problem for internet innovation given the fact that this has always been the law.

The report finds that the current classification of broadband makes it difficult for the commission to move forward with implementing the national broadband plan and impedes movement toward universal broadband access.

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Ghost Dog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-23-10 07:11 AM
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1. If so, you need a complete overhaul of FCC rules. n/t
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