Dorries is an incredibly nasty individual, who pursues dishonest, hateful smear campaigns against her opponents. Bad enough when that means other MPs, but she has been incredibly vicious towards at least one local activist with very little power.
She explicitly endorses the Tea Party and Palin. Her most recent comments about Palin on her blog (I'm squeamish about linking to it, but it's easy to find) include:
In order to defend the USA and the world, America needs a strong economy. I believe that will be Plain’s strength as she will campaign for smaller, smarter Government, lower taxes and a fertile environment for business to grow. She acknowledges that high levels of public spending have contributed to the existing predicament the American economy is in. That will then give America the capability to invest in defence which will be to the benefit of us all....
Sarah Palin, realises that the biggest threat to Western security and the free world is a nuclear ready Iran. She has the bravery to acknowledge this whilst Obama capitulates in face of Russia, who continue to negotiate with Iran and other rouge nations. (sic)
Obama has no stomach for success in Iraq or Afghanistan. The world would be a safer place if we saw Iraq and Afghanistan through to the end because both America and the UK need to remain credible and honour our commitment to both countries. We also need to ensure that valuable lives have not been lost in vain and Sarah Palin recognises this. I am not sure Obama does.
Palin is a toughie. She has passion, charm, drive and ability along with a huge, massive connectivity to the American people. She continues to demonstrate her willingness to tackle tough domestic and international issues, in doing so she presents herself as a serious 2012 contender who is not willing to be defined by the liberal media.'
I do wonder what the 'other rouge nations' are! Axis of Rouge?