By Paul B. Farrell,
MarketWatchSAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (
MarketWatch) — Foreign Policy’s journal is inspiring: Don’t miss their annual issue on “Failed States” listing the 25 worst dictators: “The Committee to Destroy the World.”
Next, think domestic policy. Think of Mitch McConnell’s “Mission Impossible” vow to do anything, including kill our economic recovery for the next two years, anything to make Obama look bad, make him a one-term president. Call it Kamikaze Capitalism!
Go Mitch! You stir my cinematic imagination. Made it go into hyperdrive last week when your GOP team decided to defeat Reagan’s signature national security victory, the nuclear disarmament treaty with Russia. You guys sure have a bizarre suicidal idea of leadership and governing.
Ol’ Grumpy Mitch also led his GOP saboteurs in killing the unemployment benefits extension, while making an even more bizarre claim that billionaires need an $800 billion bailout (that will trickle down to unemployed middle Americans?).
Then he played his ace, calling the GM IPO a failure that should have been left to the bankruptcy courts, with more jobless millions. Yes folks, Ol’ Grumpy would definitely get on a domestic list like “The Committee to Destroy American Capitalism.” ...........(more)
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