and the Republicans in the US and they fight for much the same values.",_Features/Swiss_heading_for_US-style_expulsion_policy.html?cid=28846560Approval of the rightwing initiative aimed at an automatic deportation of foreign criminals would put Swiss legislation largely on a par with that of the United States, (Lorenz) Langer (Zurich University) says.
Langer is convinced that Switzerland would be stepping on the same slippery slope. “Immigration is politically a rather rewarding topic. It always pays off.”
The initiative by rightwing parties appeals to the gut feeling and portrays a stereotypical picture of foreign offenders – burglars and those exploiting welfare benefits. Langer argues that in the wake of a specific criminal case it would be very easy to extend the list of crimes that lead to immediate expulsion.
Nor is it clear whether the increasing number of deportations and removal proceedings have really made the US safer. Langer points out that criticism of automatic deportation is growing in the US.