via AlterNet:
Fox Apparently Rejected Ad Calling for DADT RepealThe Raw Story has a scoop which appears to add to the mountains of evidence that Fox News is a right wing and Republican shill machine.
Recently, an advertisement advocating for the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was rejected by the network under the bogus claim that the repeal was "on hold," and the ad's assertion that plans were underway was therefore incorrect--according to sources at a nonprofit which tried to place the ad.
The ad, distributed by the public policy think tank Palm Center, featured military officials from other countries (Australia and Canada) explaining that openly gay service members are no problem for troop morale or effectiveness
"I am surprised that Fox News would reject an ad featuring allied Generals, given that both host Bill O'Reilly and guest contributor Liz Cheney have expressed support for open gay service," Aaron Belkin, director of the Palm Center, said according to Raw Story. "This is an important time for input from all sides on this issue, and I hope Fox will reconsider." .........(more)
The complete piece is at: