Toys For The World
Toys for the world are made by kids And not by elves at all! We work them night and day For very little pay. And tiny little hands Make all our fav'rite brands That fill up the shelves in every shopping mall.
Toys for the world that Santa brings So our own kids can play What's underneath your tree Is our economy. The little girls and boys Who make our children's toys Are not getting squat from us on Christmas Day! They're not getting squat from us on Christmas Day!
O Come Ye Investors
O come, ye investors, captains of our commerce, Let’s get our products made in Bangladesh Come for the people, peaceful and compliant O come let us exploit them O come let us exploit them O come let us exploit them because we can!
Child, in our sweatshops, make designer dresses, So we get richer from your twelve-hour days! Who would not hire you for ten cents an hour? O come let us exploit him O come let us exploit him O come let us exploit him because we can!
See how consumers, blinded by low prices, Leaving their consciences, come here to buy. Into our pockets they will pour their dollars. O come let us exploit them O come let us exploit them O come let us exploit them because we can!
Slow Down Ye Frantic Shoppers
Slow down ye frantic shoppers For there's something we must say If you would spare a moment All your stress would go away Big business has been telling us What Christmas means today But it's time we decided for ourselves, for ourselves Yes it's time we decided for ourselves.
To some folks Christmas means a time For gathering with friends And enemies might use it As a time to make amends But TV says it's time for pricey Gifts and selfish ends And it's time we decided for ourselves, for ourselves Yes it's time we decided for ourselves.
Some people feel that Christmas Is when Jesus comes to call For others it's a time to share Good will and peace to all But advertisers tell us It means Santa's at the mall Now it's time we decided for ourselves, for ourselves Yes it's time we decided for ourselves.
Consumer Wonderland
TV's on, are you watching? All the products they're hawking One more thing you need To make life complete Welcome to Consumer Wonderland.
In the stores you will hear it "Pricey gifts show Christmas spirit" That's what they call it To get to your wallet Welcome to Consumer Wonderland.
At the mall we all can go out shopping Buying lots of stuff we can't afford We'll have lots of fun with all our new toys Until we realize that we're still bored
When you shop, ain't it thrilling Until you get the billing The money you owe for stuff broke long ago Welcome to Consumer Wonderland.
Rest Easy Wealthy Gentlemen
Rest easy, wealthy gentlemen, Let nothing make us sigh. We give our workers tiny crumbs So we can keep the pie. We pay off politicians So they bear our needs in mind As they line up to kiss our fat behinds. If they're inclined, Oh, they line up to kiss our fat behinds!
Don't worry, wealthy gentlemen, Let nothing make us twitch. This new global economy's Designed to keep us rich. We ply our trade in many lands Let all their leaders come To bend down and kiss us on the bum. There's a good chum. Just bend down and kiss us on the bum!
Uh Oh, We're In The Red, Dear
Uh oh we're in the red, dear On our credit card it shows Christmas is almost over But the debit line still grows Shopping like Santa's zombies Sent our budget down in flames But all our Christmas spirit Helped the giant retail chains
I'm so foggy Christmas Eve Wondering how we'll pay Christmas doesn't seem so bright When our budget is so tight.
So here's a plan for next year Let's forget the shopping spree Let's give a gift of love, so All our Christmas gifts are free!