don't think either Professor Cole or I are "invested" in the use of scanners or pat downs, but we have both concluded that their use is necessary because there are no other effective means to detect significant amounts of PETN hidden under people's clothes. We both have big concerns, in addition, with how the issue can be exploited and politically misused by those who want to take away what remains of our liberties if, G-d forbid, there is another mass casualty terrorist incident involving a U.S. airliner.
There is no DU position on this topic, other than many people are upset in general about the post-9/11 loss of freedoms, and the "don't touch my junk" incident has triggered a resurgence of those frustrations. It is a mistake, however, to assume that that this is an "Us Versus Them", DU versus the TSA, progressive vs. conservative issue. We all, people of good will, want to avoid more death and destruction. See, for PETN, Scanning Grandma at the Airport, and the Future of Air Travel
Posted on November 22, 2010 by Juan
In all the furor about the new TSA scanners and pat-downs at airports, what surprises me is that there is very little discussion of what exactly the inspectors are now looking for and why they are shifting tactics.
The old scanners and procedures designed to discover metal (guns, knives, bombs with timers or detonators) are helpless before a relatively low-tech alternative kind of explosive that is favored by al-Qaeda and similar groups.
The inspectors are looking for forms of PETN, or pentaerythritol tetranitrate, which is from the same family of explosives as nitroglycerin and which is used to make plastic explosives such as Semtex.
Richard Reid, the shoe bomber, used PETN, as did Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the crotch bomber, last year this time over Detroit. PETN was in the HP cartridges sent by a Yemeni terrorist in cargo planes recently. And, a suicide bomber put some up his anus and used it in an attempt to assassinate the son of the Saudi minister of the interior (which does counter-terrorism). Yes, he was the first ass bomber, and he missed his target, though he no longer cares about that, what with being dead and all.
The problem with PETN is that it cannot be detected by sniffing dogs or by ordinary scanners. But if you had a pouch of it on your person, the new scanners could see the pouch, and likewise a thorough pat-down would lead to its discovery.
The TSA guys are trying to look more systematically for PETN. That is why they have adopted these more intrusive methods. And, there has been chatter among the terrorist groups abroad about launching attacks on American airliners with this relatively undetectable explosive.
None of us likes the result, which is a significant invasion of privacy.
But if al-Qaeda and its sympathizers could manage to blow up only a few airliners with PETN, they could have a significant negative effect on the economy and could very possibly drive some American airlines into bankruptcy. Al-Qaeda is about using small numbers of men and low-tech techniques to paralyze a whole civilization, which was the point of the September 11 attacks
Since the Bush administration hyped the ‘war on terror’ trope half to death, many in the American public no longer want to hear about this danger. But it is part of my business in life to deliver the horrific news that the threat is real. . . . MORE