Yesterday, I watched a little of "The Ed Show" on MSNBC. During one part of the show the host, Ed Schultz, discussed the chances of Sarah Palin gaining the Republican Party's presidential nomination. Mr. Schultz started that segment by stating that Democrats laugh at the thought of Sarah Palin running for president, but Democrats should take notice of Palin because she is putting down the groundwork for a run. Schultz also claimed that Palin was building a bigger brand than any politician before her had built. He also said she was doing it in ways that no other politician had done before. To back up this point Schultz put up a list of the things Palin was doing to promote herself.
Schultz as well as many of the others in the media who are promoting the idea that Palin has a chance of winning the Republican nomination and winning the presidency are wrong. There is very little chance that Sarah Palin will win the Republican presidential nomination or the presidency. First, much of what Schultz said about Palin was wrong. Palin is not the first politician to try to build a brand. Nor is she the first to use modern technology to her advantage. The only things Palin is doing that other politicians who ran for president before her did not do is use twitter and have a reality show. Other politicians have written books, given speeches, and other things to promote themselves. The only reason previous politicians did not use twitter and have reality tv shows is that twitter did not exist and in previous years having a reality tv show was one of the fastest ways to end consideration of yourself as a serious presidential candidate.
Second, Palin so far does not have enough support within the Republican Party to win the nomination. Whenever the media has conducted polls of Republicans, even conservatives, Palin has not fared well. The only way I see Palin getting the Republican nomination is if RNC chairman Michael Steele forces every other Republican hoping to be the nominee to move aside in favor of Palin.
Finally, if Palin does get the Republican nomination it is likely she will lose the presidential election. I do not think moderate republicans will vote for Palin. On the other hand I think a number of President Obama's supporters who may be upset with him will vote for him if Palin is the Republican nominee. In addition, even with the economy in its current state President Obama would still beat Palin in a presidential race. If the economy gets better I would expect that lead to increase.
In conclusion, the media is giving Sarah Palin far too much attention. She has not done anything that most politicians have before her did not do. She has very little chance of getting the Republican nomination and even less chance of beating President Obama in a presidential election.