To: Non-Sequitur
The appeal will clear him.
4 posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 3:22:03 PM by boomop1
To: Non-Sequitur
A Republican can’t count on a fair trial in Travis County. That’s why the Democrats set it up to have the political trials there (the republicans have been too gutless to change it since they took over.)
So the verdict shouldn’t surprise anyone.
7 posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 3:25:37 PM by PAR35
To: Non-Sequitur
This could set the tone for what happens to a number of Democrats in the coming year with Republicans in control of Congress.
11 posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 3:26:17 PM by Rational Thought
To: Non-Sequitur
This persecution of Tom Delay is beyond unbelievable. Every politician could be convicted of money laundering with these standards. Perhaps politics should be illegal.
13 posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 3:26:42 PM by businessprofessor
To: Bad~Rodeo
And both the Clinton`s and Obama`s are walking around free??? Go figure.
Ridiculous verdict!!!
14 posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 3:27:25 PM by Friendofgeorge (SARAH 2012 OR BUST)
To: Bad~Rodeo
I don’t believe he’s guilty but the jury verdict stands. I hope/pray he wins on appeal.
Regardless, this presents an opportunity to prosecute numerous Demo0crats for similar and worse abuses or the system. Failure to do that negates efforts to ‘clean up’ congress and hold them accountable. IF Delay can be convicted on such flimsy evidence, surly Pelosi, Franks, Dodd, Reid and others deserve similar scrutiny.
15 posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 3:27:51 PM by Morgan in Denver (Democrats: the law of unintended consequences in action.)
To: Non-Sequitur
Delay vs the corrupt slime from NY.
Wanna bet which one was much more corrupt?
Wanna bet which one gets the most severe penalties?
Answer: Q1: The black guy.
Answer: Q2: The white guy.
And we wonder why respect for congress is just below that of a fly that has landed on ...a t*rd.
26 posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 3:31:41 PM by Da Coyote