Well, it looks like the national opt-out was a bust, for reasons ranging from turned off machines to publicity conscious TSA staff to national apathy. Whatever the reason, the media's attention is going elsewhere quickly, people who object are being demonized and trivialized, and pretty soon, the ol' scan and grope is going to be part of everyday, "normal" life in these United States.
In fact calls are already going out to put these procedures in place for trains, buses and virtually any other form of public conveyance. Soon, we'll start seeing these monstrosities pop up at malls, courthouses, stadiums, schools and throughout the fabric of our everyday public life.
This is following the same pattern that other trips down the slippery slope of privacy have followed. When piss testing first came into being, there was a big brouhaha about it, the invasiveness of such testing, the media glare came into play, promises of moderation were made, and people simply got used to it. Once a tool to prevent drug addled people from operating heavy machinery and other "mission critical" jobs, drug testing has now become ubiquitous, hell, now you've got to piss to get a job at Wal Mart or McD's.
Our society has become numb to the loss of our right to privacy, discarded it like yesterday's news. An entire generation now is conditioned to accept the loss of privacy, never knowing what their parents never valued.
Sure, it's just a piss test, sure, just a quick grab and grope, but the loss of our privacy is symptomatic of something worse, the accompanying rise of authoritarian government. Our government now not only claims the right to grope you, test you, and have some of your pee, but it has also abrogated for itself the right to unilaterally declare you an enemy combatant, jail your for an unspecified period of time and, if it deems necessary, to kill you.
We have become a police state, and though there are details that need to be taken care of, loose ends to wrap up, the fact of the matter is that you have few meaningful rights in this country. And it is only going to get worse from here. As time goes on, and another generation accepts even less privacy, even more seizures of our civil liberties, the clamps are going to come down. When will you wake up? When will your take a stand. The loss of your privacy of your person? How about privacy in your car? In your home? When you can no longer speak freely?
This is the slope we're going down people, and the end of this one isn't pretty. Sure, a few extra gropes seem like nothing, but if you don't fight back now, in a decade, or two, you won't be able to fight back at all.
Will that be when you wake up?