At the School of the Americas protest Kaelyn Forde, a US citizen and credentialed journalist for Russia Today (for those of you who only accept mainstream operations, RT's budget is $60 million dollars and is broadcast internationally by 11 satellites) was arrested along with the protestors at Ft. Benning for simply being there and reporting. She was not told what she was being charged with. She (as well as the activists) were not allowed to face their accusers and all were convicted including the press. The journalist said that
Not that this is anything new. Not like Amy Goodman wasn't arrested--pretty aggressively--at the RNC 2008. But I just wanted to point out that the reason why you don't see any real news is because reporters (not pundits, but reporters) tend to get arrested these days. BP Spill taught us that as well.
The journalist said that she's seen repression of the media in countries that she's reported in like Honduras but she was shocked to discover that in the US journalists now face the same repression. to this the Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project which criminalized verbal interaction with groups and persons deemed terrorist even if that is to give legal information. And reporting what a "terrorist says" is now material support.
End the Bush Regime Now! Jail Ashcroft and Cheney, not reporters! (If I have to insert old names into new information to make you care again, I'm happy to oblige...)