For your safety visiting malls and the corner stores will be strictly prohibited. The government has created a virtual online store that meets all your needs. Including grocery shopping. All items will be directly delivered to your home, fully scanned, rummaged through and x-ray’d. The government will keep an itemized list of items used most frequently and have them available for you for next day am delivery. Of course, the government will outsource this to a private for profit company.
There will be no need to travel. The government, for you safety, will provide each household with the most up to date technology to have you virtually visit your friends, families and colleagues, business associates on line. The government will track your most visited online activities and create your own special page with all your preferences. Of course, the government will outsource this to a private for profit company. We wouldn’t want to undermine the free market concept.
There will be no need to go to the movie theatre. Movie theatres will be outlawed, for your safety. All the new, latest released movies will be available for you to order and to watch in the comfort of your safe family living room All this available for a small fee, from your friendly corporate cable provider. The movie theatres and production companies will of course, be privately owned.
There will still be sporting events, yet no fans will be able to attend the event. For your viewing pleasure and safety, all games will be broadcast in 3D HD. And if you plan ahead you can feel like you’re at the game by ordering special hotdogs, popcorn and peanuts and beer from the online store. Remember these will be 100% safe from any bomb making material or hazardous material as it has been scanned, and x-ray’d and sniffed.
Every home by mandate of the government will be outfitted with home offices. You will no longer need to travel by plane, bus, auto or train to get to office. Of course everything you will need to have to equip your home office will be outsourced to a private for profit corporation. If all works out ok, you won’t have to leave your home for years. You are still allowed to go to the hospital if need be, but the government, with the help of for profit privately owned corporations, are creating portable operating rooms and hospital rooms with virtual private nurses to help you recover in the comfort of your own home.
Hopefully by the time everything is in place, the only time you will have to leave your house is the day you die.
PS no gathering for funerals either.