by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, with the Chavez government having reduced poverty by half and extreme poverty by more than 70%!
See these threads: is one of the reasons that our rich elite and multinational corporate/war profiteer rulers hate Chavez and his government so much but don't tell you that who they really hate are the people who elected the Chavez government, twice, by big margins, in an election system that is far, FAR more transparent than our own. In a transparent system, the poor majority can elect leaders who represent the majority. We can no longer do this. Our system is run on 'TRADE SECRET,' PROPRIETARY electronics with the code largely (80%) owned and controlled by ONE, private, far rightwing corporation--ES&S, which just bought out Diebold--with virtually no audit/recount controls. This is, of course, not the only thing wrong with our system but it is the final nail, hammered into place during the 2002 to 2004 period, with a $3.9 billion e-voting boondoggle from the Anthrax Congress. Real reform cannot even get off the ground until you can elect good leaders.
Drastic reduction of poverty is not the only achievement of the Chavez government that people who rely on the corpo-fascist press don't know about, but it is the one relevant to this thread. So I thought I'd mention it. It IS possible to narrow the gulf between the rich and poor--the essential condition for a decent and democratic society--but you have to be able to ELECT people to do it. It IS possible to run a
transparent electronic voting system (Venezuela has one) but you have to
prevent corporations from participating in it and keep it entirely--code and all--in the PUBLIC VENUE. And it IS possible to elect an FDR-type leader in the 21st Century. Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Uruguay, Paraguay, Nicaragua and others have proven it.
First step here toward "New Deal II" is
getting rid of the 'TRADE SECRET' voting machines!
It IS doable. There is NO federal law requiring these diabolical machines (yet). This coup was accomplished by corruption of our state/local legislators and election officials and filthy lobbying. But it will take a widespread citizen movement to undo it. Forget Congress. The movement has to concentrate on local jurisdictions where control over voting systems still resides. We need to hold a real "Boston Tea Party" all across this country to take this essential first step back toward democracy.
Just want to say one more thing about Venezuela. The people of Venezuela elected a government that serves the majority in spite of a viciously hostile corpo-fascist press in Venezuela--where corporate TV/radio moguls openly supported and helped organize the 2002 coup attempt. While the corpo-fascist press is problem no. 2, as to electing good leaders, it CAN be overcome with transparent vote counting and a lot of grass roots effort. The grass roots here has been demoralized and disempowered by repeated baffling, inexplicable election defeats. This will change once transparent vote counting is restored.