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Urgent: Petition to stop UK citizen Gary McKinnon from being extradited to US

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Mimosa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-27-10 04:26 AM
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Urgent: Petition to stop UK citizen Gary McKinnon from being extradited to US
Edited on Sat Nov-27-10 04:30 AM by Mimosa
Please sign petition of support for Gary McKinnon at link below:> Gary McKinnon, in a quest to learn about about US government secret space programs, was accused of hacking into the US Government's military computers. He was accused of doing harm. But actually the big powers don't want Gary to reveal what he had learned.

More:>McKinnon article from the UK Guardian: U.S. Army already has bases in space, international space station is a farce, 'extraterrestrial officers' mentioned in communications about secret bases>What did Gary McKinnon discover from hacking NASA?>Gary's words from UK Independent interview:

How do you spend your time?

In a state of constant stress. It's impossible to be motivated or to plan anything. Constantly wishing I could get out of my own skin.

What concerns you most?

Being alone in another country with a different culture and no family or friends near you or able to visit you is a terrifying prospect. Being dragged from my own home and country to a place I've never been in is terrifying in itself and is against the rules of our Magna Carta, which states that British citizens have a right to be tried by a jury of their peers. My peers are in the UK and this is where I should be tried. Look up the extreme conditions in those prisons and at what the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) say about those prisons and tell me that you wouldn't be terrified.

What do you want to say to the judges deciding your case?

Cyberspace doesn't exist any more than never-never land. I was no more in America than anyone who is on a long-distance telephone call. The fiction of cyberspace should be properly tested in a British court because it is no more real than Santa Claus. They cannot "return" me to a country I wasn't in, yet they continually refer in court to "returning me". If I was being returned to the place where my crime was committed, I would be returned to Crouch End. I am not a fugitive, I was physically in North London and have remained in North London.

Don't you think you should be punished for what you did?

I have been punished much more than I would have been had I committed a heinous crime. It's impossible to explain what eight years of heightened, constant stress does to you. I have lost eight years of my life and my parents have lost eight years of their lives. We live with this 24 hours a day and can barely think of anything else and it's impossible to plan anything or to feel happy when you know what might lie ahead.

So, what punishment would be appropriate?

A punishment proportionate to the crime and consistent with other accused hackers in the UK, including those accused of hacking into the Pentagon. As Robert Gates
from the Pentagon said: 300 people a day still infiltrate Nasa and US military computers. There have been no other extradition requests from the US for any other hackers in the world, including a Romanian hacker who hacked into the Pentagon and was sentenced to eight months in Romania, and an Israeli hacker who hacked into the Pentagon and was not even given a sentence and no extradition request.

What were you looking for at Nasa?

Suppressed evidence of reverse engineered UFO technology, free energy that would help to stop climate change and would help to stop old age pensioners from dying of cold... and also evidence of anti-gravity.

What did you find?

A space fleet and an impressive UFO and a total lack of Nasa and military internet security, which I found truly shocking which is why I alerted them via cyber notes.
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RandomThoughts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-27-10 05:20 AM
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1. As a correlating response to other posts.
Edited on Sat Nov-27-10 05:57 AM by RandomThoughts
A space fleet and an impressive UFO and a total lack of Nasa and military internet security, which I found truly shocking which is why I alerted them via cyber notes. <-I think that is incorrect.

There is a doctrine that promotes secrecy, it says that the good side is outnumbered or has to remain hidden, it is a thought of having less power then the other side, and the thought itself is a way to limit power.

There are some that think posting about the spiritual in many things is telling on groups putting it out there, and the bad side even thinks it is used to hurt those groups or remove them from public thoughts by scorching the sky of such thoughts.

That is a concept of limited power, and can lead some to secrecy, it also can get those that think they are on the side of right by hiding it through information censorship to think they are doing correct.

Since I know the good side is stronger, and I feel the things some do not talk about are good, I don't worry about showing that they are out there, since drawing a group into an attack on such better thoughts is there own folly and, if anything, would help them to learn.

So the concept of 'ratting out' as being the case, is a delusion that is easily defeated, and why I know it is not the common thought that is in much of it where some think of it as an understrengthed group that would somehow fail, if there is secrecy I would say it is for better effectiveness, not because of any fear of loss from being seen, since the light does not have any bad effects.

And although I have seen the 'be silent' comment from many people, none of my sources have asked for that, although I also am happy to be in 'need to know' state, and do not have a problem not knowing what could create issues.

In other words, I also don't post or even type all my thoughts, so it is not fair of me to make the comment about Billy Joel's comments, since I also keep some thoughts to myself, or between myself and others, and do not speak or express some of those thoughts, so the speaking of the better parts makes much more sense. In other words some of it is about privacy in my experiences also. But not by the delusional thought of it hurting them by such a comment, but the respect of private conversations.

Great conversation there, and much learning from that, and the concept of secrecy for privacy where it does not have an effect on society, or as said before, Billy should not have to answer what his faith is, it is easy enough to see his heart for anyone curious anyways.

Great Billy Joel song.
Billy Joel - My Life
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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-27-10 09:41 AM
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2. He's obviously mentally ill. He needs help, not jail.
Edited on Sat Nov-27-10 09:43 AM by Ian David
Unless he made-up all that UFO crap in an attempt to APPEAR crazy.

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