It's interesting to see establishment republicans complaining about the coverage and attention Sarah Palin is getting. She's fast becoming the most prominent face of the republican party and she threatens to bring the worst they have to offer out into the open in the next presidential election. Even if she manages to lose the republican nomination, she'll likely continue to ride out her popularity with their expansive base of bigots and birthers to the end of the election in an independent bid.
What Palin does to the republican party is to force the candidates to cater to their rabid electorate and to make their lowest common denominators their primary appeal. That's not going to bode well for attracting the independents and others they need to top off their marginal percentage of self-identified republican voters.
Establishment republicans would like nothing more than for the media and 'liberals' to stop highlighting every foolish and despicable word she utters as the embodiment of their party-of-no. Even 'blue blood' Barbara Bush hopes Palin decides to 'stay in Alaska', but Democrats can benefit from her polarizing, yet, high political profile. Nothing the republicans assert in the next two years will be allowed to stand without filtering through the Wassilla Whiner's shrill, demagogic definition from the far-right. Each of their presidential pretenders will be forced to parse their policies and pronouncements to appeal to Palin's pusillanimous posse.
Not even Krauthammer is willing to dismiss her out of hand. On PBS’ Inside Washington this week, Krauthammer complained that liberals were acting as if “the whole of conservatism in America is encapsulated in this one glorious woman . . . in the liberal imagination she is and will always be the only representative of conservatism.”
He's right. I'd go a step further. To most Americans right now, Sarah Palin is the republican party. It's good to see just how much that gets under their skin.
here's Colby King pressing Krauthammer on IW:
COLBY KING, WASHINGTON POST: She is the most significant Republican, conservative around. She brought this your party back from oblivion to this wonderful state that it is in now...
KING: ...where the nation’s Democrats are quaking in their wake.
KRAUTHAMMER: You see what I mean?
KING: You ought to be proud of her. The elites, the elitists in the Republican Party puts this poor woman from Wasilla down. I think it’s a shame.
KRAUTHAMMER: Perfect evidence of how liberals are obsessed with Sarah Palin.