Read a brilliant post on the LivingLies blog that gave me hope, for once, about a course of action that would empower all of us, that would even the odds in a game we have all felt to be hopelessly rigged - that which passess for an economy in the US these days.
The author makes this a "united we stand, divided we fall" proposition that rises above the cliche and actually provides a way forward, together, when the Zeitgeist seems to be division, isolation and helplessness against the seeminingly invincible Borg of the Wall Street/ K Street / Pentagon Complex:
* We will not do business with banksters who caused this or any merchant who does.
We will not work overtime or even work hard; we will instead engage in consumer withdrawal, making as little as possible and drawing as much from the government as we can. That is, we will try to suck the government teat dry and lawfully minimize what we give both to big corporations and government.
* We WILL picket, protest, and show up in front of banksters and politicians homes – not just offices. We have a right of free speech in The Constitution and we will use it. You don’t have to listen, but the streets are PUBLIC PLACES. Peaceful protests – but lots of them, in your face, every single day. Public shaming is very effective. If you want to be in a public role – running a big publicly-traded bank or in a political office you’re fair game to have signs waved in your face no matter where you are. Sure, they’ll withdraw from the public – that’s fine. Guess what? Barricading themselves inside a fort hurts them – and their families – more than it hurts us.
* We WILL intentionally ostracize both banksters and politicians. We will NOT cut their hair, sell them gas or groceries, or fix their air conditioners. A Bankster comes into church, they sit in an empty pew – nobody will get within 10′ of them. Communion? Surely you jest. You want 20% of our income as a tax due to QE2? Fine. You can have it, but you’re cutting your own hair, your own grass, and fixing your own damn car. We won’t rent you an apartment, we won’t quote your new windows or a new roof. In short, we’re going to say “screw you”, and every time we see you on the street, we’re going to say it literally and loudly, just to make sure you understand. If that drives them into isolation, that’s good, not bad. The Amish call it “shunning.” It’s part of your civil rights – you have a right to freedom of association, which includes the right not to associate. Guess what – being a bankster or politician isn’t a protected class. urge you to read the whole post (the 5 paragraph limit derives you of the context that convinces you this guy is not a
Teabagger or Larouchie, I think) and the whole blog, actually. And to get the word out to your friends and associates. The banksters, the congressmen, the 1%'ers are people - they can't exist in a vacuum. Can they buy their life, their comfort, if enough decent people refuse to be bought? It's the equivalent of being a conscientious objector in wartime - which this is I guess - class wartime.