I'd like to call them the "top one percent." But they are the top ONE TENTH of wealth-holders in the world trying to control all the power.
They want a religious war that lasts forever, because it serves their agenda to destroy or control millionaires and the masses.
Divide and conquer, is an old trick that still works.
Who will we hate today?
Will we hate millionaires?
Will we hate Republicans?
Will we hate lying politicians?
Will we hate the ignorant Tea Party that the idle-rich created?
Will we hate federal agents sworn to uphold the US Constitution?
I've got a better idea:
Let's hate a group that employment laws allow us to discriminate against: Let's hate the mentally disturbed. No business is required to hire the insane. Let's hate these people because they are too disturbed to file for Social Security Disability. Let's hate them because they self-medicate and then pass out drunk in an alley. Let's hate them because they are too paranoid to seek help. Let's hate them because they hear voices and babble to themselves. Let's hate them because they are veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) that act strange after certain stimuli.
I'm stuck at a VA hospital undergoing cancer therapy. I've been here for nearly two months. But I'm lucky compared to some people here.
A while back, when my kids came to visit a Vietnam veteran would cover his ears whenever he saw kids. I later found out that he had seen children explode because they were rigged with bombs to kill American soldiers. This is an isolated example of PTSD. Another example includes a desire to go back into battle because the soldier didn't die to defend dead comrades. It's not revenge, it's a symptom of PTSD. That's what is happening today, which is why there are so few Iraq/ Afghanistan veterans here at the VA. Capitalizing on PTSD in this manner keeps the Military Industrial Complex from implementing the draft, which would unify American citizens against the wars.
There is strength in unity. There is defeat in divisiveness.
Veterans are lying in the streets drunk: But let's forget about them, for now, because someday they might get medical care.
Let's focus on the mentally disturbed who are so screwed up that the US military will not accept them. Employers ask questions about mental conditions: It's legal. Let's deprive these people of any chance of a reasonable life by discriminating against them in the workplace. Then, let's make it hard for them to get proper medical attention because overworked bureaucracies can't put them in touch with psychiatrists or social workers for months. By the time some semblance of help is scheduled, they'll be in jail or in another state.
Why waste your time hating Republicans, who serve the idle rich. You can do what the ultra-rich want and hate different religions or minorities.
If you choose to hate or discriminate against anyone, why not choose a group that's legal to discriminate against; the mentally disturbed.
Let's serve our up-and-coming rulers and toss more of these unfortunates into the streets, while we focus on hate or our rapidly diminishing wealth.