As I've posted before, I moved my office a few weeks ago, packed up over 30 years of material, threw out mountains of trash and old records of people long gone from the practice, many deceased for over 20 years, but I did carefully pack two boxes of memorabilia.
These boxes contain magazines which I had accumulated, including, but not limited to: The New Republic, New Yorker, The Nation, The Journal of Irreproducible Results, Philadelphia Magazine, Time, Newsweek, People, and Spy. Whilst unpacking and finding a place for these in my new, cramped space, I scanned a few of the issues to see beyond the reason why I had saved them (9/11, the elections of Presidents, what-I-thought-were-important-articles-of-the-day (such as New Republic's piece on why Reagan would be a one-term President if that).
One thing became clear: no one from the left or the 'right' (which we would now call middle-of-the-road) published one iota of what was really happening to this country. Gross misinterpretations of trends, faulty evaluations of 'rationales' for certain posturings both diplomatic and military, inexcusably naive portraits of individuals who, behind the scenes, have assisted in the multilateral destruction of the American Dream and thus America the Nation, outpourings of praise for people who happened to be in the room at the time or were members of the Lucky Sperm Club or married to same, and much much worse were quite evident.
Just embarassing...it took me back many years to when the NFL on CBS used to end the pre-game show with Jimmy the Greek giving predictions. You never saw him on the post-game show explaining why he was just so wrong after he had been so emphatic in his tirades about who was going to win and why. Just once, I'd like to see Joe Klein or Fred Barnes or George Will or Mort Kondracke (in his previous incarnation he was a readable 'liberal') have to stand up, have their 1983 prose read to them and asked to explain in the same academic detail in which they conceived this claptrap, why they were so totally and absolutely wrong in almost every respect.
That's what I would want for "holiday season"...