unhappycamper note: Since the ‘Pentagon’ (DoD? Gannett?) has ‘requested’ that I only post one paragraph from articles on Army Times, and Airforce Times, To keep in that same (new) tradition, I will also do the same for for articles on Navy Times, Marine Corps Times, stripes.com and military.com.
To read the article in the military's own words, you will need to click the link.
Read all about Fair Use here. It sure is beginning to smell like fascism.
unhappycamper summary of this article: :(
Chaplain Maj. Timothy Hirten reads a prayer while Romanian soldiers Warrant Officer Ionut Gabriel Mittelbrun, left, and Lt. Col. Marian Popa follow along with the reading on Ali Base, Iraq, in December 2009. According to information obtained by Air Force Times, the service could significantly cut the number of chaplains in its stable by the end of the fiscal year — from 528 today to as few as 465.Air Force looks to make cuts in chaplain forceBy Scott Fontaine - Staff writer
Posted : Saturday Nov 27, 2010 9:03:45 EST
The Air Force is pushing dozens of chaplains out the door at the same time it is urging airmen with personal struggles to get counseling, often provided by clergy.