as always,thank you in advance....
Mr. Perry has written some excellent editorials in recent issues of the Daily Light. These are examples of how adults and Americans should conduct themselves when discussing issues. We have three critical issues in America right now-issues that need true discussion,not just partisan pandering (which we all have been guilty of at one time or another).
The first issue is the continuing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan-whatever term we are using for them this week. Since 2001,these wars have drained the nation of at least One Trillion dollars (not including veterans benefits). They have produced two million new veterans who are now entering our VA system. They have little to show for these sacrifices,except for extreme profits for multi-national companies,loss of lives for troops and civilians,and rumored expansion to neighboring countries(Iran and Pakistan).
The second issue is the profound exportation of labor from our nation via outsourcing and NAFTA/CAFTA. This has left the middle-class manufacturing,agricultural and IT families struggling to get by. It has closed thousands of American businesses in favor of "Big Box" multi-national corporations...again profiting a few. It has driven down earnings and benefits for middle-class American employees. In 2008, the total U.S. trade deficit was $695.9 billion, which is $1.8 trillion in exports minus $2.5 trillion in imports. This is calculated annually.
The third issue is health care for our citizens. We can argue until the cows come home about who receives it,but the fact remains we rate 37th in the world when it comes to health care access when compared to other industrialized nations. In Texas alone,we have 6 million uninsured adults and 1.8 million uninsured children. This does NOT include Medicaid and CHIPS. Some would like to see privatization of all health care(including Medicare),when in reality expansion of Medicare to increase physician payment,include dental care and include all citizens would be the much more civilized and economic route for both practitioners and patients. One merely needs to look at profits in these industries to calculate where the money is going...and it isn't the physicians.
We don't need to agree in lock-step when debating issues. Civilized debate is what created this nation,created many private and government entities and made us the great nation that we are. My hope is that we are not seeing fascism creep into the national public discussion.The First Amendment is a great instrument. Let's keep it front and center.