The Naked Truth About Capital GainsWhen it comes to taxes on capital gains, the emperor suddenly has no clothes. He's been stripped bare, in bipartisan fashion, by the co-chairs of President Obama's fiscal commission.
The chairs are Republican Alan K. Simpson and Erskine Bowles, a Democrat. Their initial report included a call for equal taxes on capital gains, dividends and ordinary income such as wages. This upends the current tax code, and it contradicts almost the entire history of capital gains taxes in America.
Implicitly, it also rejects the K Street claim that tax breaks for capital gains grow jobs, grow businesses and grow the economy. If the claim had any truth, Messrs. Simpson and Bowles would never support equal taxes on all income as a way to help cut the national deficit.
Liberals instinctively attacked the right-leaning aspects of the report. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in full "no" mode, labeled its recommendations "simply unacceptable." Not quite, Madam Speaker; apropos investment income, Simpson/Bowles is a Democratic dream come true.