Edited on Mon Nov-29-10 02:18 PM by WizardLeft62
My mother worked for the state, in various agencies. The Republicans always scapegoated state workers as if they were not "people" and did not "work hard." It's okay for the private sector to rip people off. Too bad there is not as much anger at the private sector, in the same way it's saved for public employees. Yet, per usual, workers are again used as scapegoats during this latest "budget deficit" time. Whenever there are budget issues or deficits, it's always state or federal employees asked to be the sacrificial lambs of over-reaching by other irresponsible people. With an Executive Order, Obama appointed this "Cat Food Commission," otherwise known as the Debt Reduction Commission. This time it's Federal rather than State Workers whom are being Scapegoated!!!!!!!! It is always and I mean always, either federal or state workers who are used as scapegoats in times of "budget deficits" which are brought on by private sector greed.
Military Will Not Get Pay Decreases---Remember this---The Military is laregly an Outsourced Entity these days anyhow. The Military Contracts out much of it's work now to the private sector anyhow.
Whether it's unions or teachers, those who do hard work every day are scapegoated to take pay cuts and pay freezes. Yet, when it comes to the banksters, they are bailed out without conditions. Where is the justice for those who lost their homes to foreclosure? What conditions were ever placed on the banks?
With Republicans taking over the helm in so many states, we will see how drastic or, not, cuts and pay cuts are to services and state workers in the coming weeks and months.
This is also a concerted attack on all workers and the continuation of the lessening of workers rights in the United States. And, yes, the hollowing out of the state. But only in failed states, is there no functioning state apparatus.