Fox News claims anti-fees protests were “rebellion against big government”
Whilst Americans have come to expect Fox’s style of news reporting, Friday’s edition of Fox News’s “Special Report” was particularly concerning. That was because this time they were talking about Britain. In a segment described as ‘Yankee Rebellion Resonates in Ye Olde England’, Fox reported that Great Britain is following the lead of the United States in embracing the ‘Tea Party’ ideology. Within the report at around the 23-second mark, the Fox voiceover explains that:
“…a new rebellion against big Government and high taxes is resonating in Ye Olde England…”
There followed a series of soundbites from Matthew Sinclair, representing the TaxPayers’ Alliance. Whilst arguing the point that in fact the British people are increasingly for smaller government and cuts they use footage of a protest march to illustrate their point.
The video handed the misrepresentation legitimacy, meaning the 99 per cent of viewers who would not have noticed what the banners and placards of the protesters actually said would have believed they were Tea Party activists.<snip>
Whilst many might ask why this is of any relevance to British people it must be remembered Fox is the number one cable news channel in America, with millions of viewers watching every day for their dosage of what many consider real news. Clearly, this could have been a video error if there were currently thousands of people protesting in the streets of Westminster in favour of bigger public spending cuts, however this is not the case.
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Fox News uses footage of anti-tuition fee rise march and claim it is part of UK Tea Party movement