Theoretically, a parent who boots a minor child from their home could be charged with neglect or endangerment, but we're almost always talking about teens here. The problem here is simple: Parent kicks teen out. Teen calls police and tries to get parent in trouble. Parent calls the kid "troubled", says they ran away, and that they're welcome home. DA has no evidence that a crime occurred, so the whole thing is dropped. It's pretty rare for a parent to continue to ban a teen from their home in the face of police pressure, and it's impossible to prosecute the parents if they cave.
Which raises the real problem. Most "kicked out" gay teens could easily be returned to their homes if they wanted, but few really want to go back. What kid wants to live in a home where they are hated by their parents? Where they are constantly mocked, insulted, and denigrated by their parents? When I was in high school, I knew a young lesbian girl (16, I think) who left home after her FATHER suggested that she kill herself, because it would be "less humiliating for the family". The torture these kids endure is heartbreaking, and for many, being kicked out can be a relief. Life on the streets can be a nightmare, but life in their homes can be even worse.
My coming out as bi essentially destroyed my relationship with my mother and stepfather, but I was one of the lucky ones. Aside from the occasional comments about my "sins" and insistence that I regularly speak to people at their church to be "saved", they generally tolerated me until I left for college. I knew many gay and bisexual teens who would have given anything for that kind of "tolerance".