Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's spokesman says organization will take up issue 'with our US counterparts on various levels'. White House: Stealing of classified information a crime, Obama 'not pleased',7340,L-3991785,00.html<
"The United Nations on Monday issued a harsh response to a WikiLeaks revelation that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered staff to spy on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and other organization officials, saying that the UN would take up the issue with "our US counterparts on various levels".
"The UN by its very nature is a transparent organization that makes a great deal of information about its activities available to the public and member states," Farhan Haq, acting deputy spokesman for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, told British newspaper The Telegraph.
"We don't have any judgment on the authenticity of the document," he added, "but I do want to read a little passage from 1946 convention on the privileges and immunities of the United Nations."
The passage says any UN properties or assets "shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation or any other form of interference" by member governments."