No, not the bloody, take up arms and somehow expect to overthrow the government, revolution. There are a thousand reasons why that one isn't going to happen and just as many reasons why we wouldn't want that to happen, even if, by some accident (think WTO) it actually worked, because nature abhors a vacuum. As scared and anxious as so many of us are as we come to the end of this empire, the rapid fall a bloody revolution would take us to is not a place any of us actually want to go to. Ask Iraq.
But America is changing. I think other fledgling empires are waiting in the wings, waiting to take the world stage. If I weren't so damn scared about what comes after, I would happily hold the curtain open for them. We are revolving off of the front stage, whether we want to or not. So lets talk about what We The People need to do in these coming years.
I'm personally looking toward a more communal, less consumer driven situation. It appears that fewer, far fewer of us will have income. That leads me to believe that some form of "from each as they are able, to each as they require". I don't think much, if any, of our salvation will be coming from DC (I promise you would never have heard that from me 2 years ago. 2 years ago, I still believed in the power of a charismatic leader and in this Government. Now, I doubt greatly).
So, what is your next step? A few years ago, I was looking to move to Canada and I still look at Vancouver with longing, but the U.S. is a huge nation and she will not fall in isolation. I don't think, short of a deserted island, getting away from her will protect us.
I've been looking at Lessing's Constitutional Convention idea but I can't visualize the steps and the things that will be in our way. If you have some ideas of how that might come to pass, would you share them here?
One thing I would rather not have this conversation hijacked by is by discussing whether this empire is ending. For the sake of this conversation, that needs to be a given. If you think it isn't, please don't contribute to this discussion. Thanks.