Reposted by request.">Orignal
Who among us, the 99% of Americans who work when they can, who have their checks prorated to pave the roads and protect society from the pitfalls of an honorable existence, can afford a team of lawyers and investment banksters to "handle" their tax obligations, or "shield"(what often is not always) "their" assets from creditors or disgruntled customers? Ya can't even stuff it in your mattress anymore.
Who among us, the "people", who actually have corporeal form, and things like vocal chords to speak, and stomachs to growl, and suffering kin to attend to, can afford to have our 1st Amendment protected opinions propagated through the MSM echo chamber like a sad song in the shower? Come to think of it, that analogy works for the sensible retorts too, nobody in the chamber, or in that tiled lined shit house can hear the the heckles from outside.
We don't write the banking laws, or the mortgage laws, or the tax laws, we just have to live with it; the cost of breathing the fresh air of Freedom (TM) *cough* *cough*.
I live pay check to pay check, as do more than 2/3 of Americans. I can't afford to be late with my rent. I can't bribe Moody's to improve my credit score. And the only bailout's I would qualify for is some measly unemployment checks and an ACCESS card (food stamps for silver spooned who might be reading this). And worst of all (or best, pending on how desperate you are), I can't start a war to jump start my economy! I live in fear of the times when I have to live no check to no check.
So, why should WE pay? I did my part. I live by my hands; my ideas. And I don't mind setting aside a small portion of my earnings to provide for a well maintained, well oiled, and pride inspiring society. If I have to drive to work, I get a road to travel. If I have a hankerin or need for something, I have a safe market place to purchase the wares I choose without fear of being robbed or poisoned for my troubles. Or at least that's how it's supposed to work.
We have been robbed, lied to, spied on, and now, apparently, were being molested too. In our very own names, a small but powerful group has waged wars, crashed economies, murdered civilians, and even colluded with those they, themselves proclaim are our enemies. They stole pensions and homes, then paid officials to write laws to to protect them from laws that WE are still bound by.
And now that they have sucked and slobbered all the blood out of our economy, they blame us? They drop the tab at our feet after eating our lunch and picking our pockets. It's almost as if they are daring us at times. The shear audacity....
There ain't many ways for the next few years to pan out, and not a one of them are good for our society. It boils down to variations of 2 main plot lines. WE (1) capitulate, our society and nation fails, and the vultures leftover pick our collective carcases, or (2) WE have a "REAL TEA PARTY" (without the funny hats) and throw bankers, pundits and CEO's overboard instead of crates of Darjeeling and Earl Grey.
I'll just end with this...
It may not jump start my paycheck, but I know which path I'd be proud to follow. Besides, I paid good money for that pride.