We need to at least extend the benefits to those who have or will exhaust 26 weeks after the last extension expires. There are a substantial amount of people who have had an extended period of time to find work who are still finding it challenging…what makes anyone think that for those of us who have had less time we somehow will find it any less challenging? I plead for an extension. And I beg those who are adamently opposed to ponder "but for the grace of God go I". I did absolutely nothing to contribute to the mess of this economy. I have worked since I was 14. I am now 50 years old. I have always lived within my means. I have never filed bankruptcy. I have paid my taxes. I am not in debt. I live right by God and my neighbor. I have contributed and helped others in times of need. Today, I need my country's help. It is my sincere hope it makes me proud.
BY sandy on 11/29/2010 at 20:39
http://thehill.com/blogs/on-the-money/801-economy/131011-senate-democrats-push-for-one-year-extension-of-unemployment-benefits?page=2#commentsIf the Republicans want there to be cuts in other parts of the budget to pay for extending unemployment insurance they can cut the military. I will take my chances with a Chinese, Russian, or Cuban invasion.